Adopt-a-Park Program Successful in Marshall

Adopt-a-Park Program Successful in Marshall

The City of Marshall is proud to announce that all thirteen of its parks were adopted in 2021 through the Adopt-a-Park program. Volunteers were responsible for cleaning their adopted park once a month between the months of April and October. The Adopt-a-Park program, which was launched in April of this year, is a fun way for individuals, families, groups, schools, businesses, and organizations to give back to their community.


“We are very fortunate to have such supportive community members who see the value in taking care of our city parks,” said Preston Stensrud, Parks Superintendent. “On behalf of the City of Marshall, I want to extend our gratitude to all the volunteers who chose to dedicate their time and effort to help keep our parks beautiful and clean for everyone to enjoy.”


The Adopt-a-Park volunteers ensured that the aesthetics of each park were not hindered by litter or other unsightly things that can pose dangers to its environment. Volunteers served as an extra set of eyes to bring park concerns or reports of hazardous items to Park Department staff. The program is a great way for community members to be involved and feel a sense of community pride while they are enjoying the outdoors and helping keep it clean.


“Liberty Park was adopted by Holy Redeemer youth and during the summer months, the clean-up was handled by a group of children ranging from 1st to 12th grade,” said Becki Johnson. “Taking care of a park they played in helped make them aware of how they should treat their environment when they are at the park so someone else doesn’t have to pick up their garbage. It also empowered them to see the difference they could make in our town, no matter their age.”


Parks are vitally important to establishing and maintaining the quality of life in a community, ensuring the health of families and youth, and contributing to the economic and environmental well-being of a community and a region.


The City of Marshall would like to extend a huge thank you to the below list of volunteers for their dedication and service to our area parks this year:

  • City of Marshall Wellness Committee, Legion Field Park
  • SWHHS Circle Program, Victory Park
  • Stanley Busy Beavers 4-H Club, Archery Park
  • Southwest Adult Basic Education, Independence Park
  • Shanda Walker and Family, Loyalty Dog Park
  • Holy Redeemer Catholic Campus Ministries/Newman Club, Justice Park
  • Marshall Adult Community Center, Memorial Park
  • Family of the late Hank and Bettie Karlstad, Amateur Sports Complex
  • Marshall United Soccer Association, Channel Parkway Complex
  • Voigt Family, Patriot Park
  • Jamie Brigger, Freedom Park
  • Youth of Church of Holy Redeemer, Liberty Park
  • Cornerstone Church Troop 320 Pack 320, Allegiance Park
To register for the Adopt-a-Park program, please fill out the online form listed on the City of Marshall’s website and email to Preston Stensrud at or return the form to City Hall. If you would like to renew your Adopt-a-Park commitment or would like to change your adopted park, please call the Parks Department at 537-6786.